Sunday, April 26, 2009


I've decided nobody owns something you can create, not even the artist. It's weird to think, but nothing is truly uniquely personal. No matter specific, it still has universal elements. Or maybe nobody ever hears it like you meant. Their not wrong, they can't be it's perceptual.

I really hate Bill Maher by the way. I've no idea what that dude enjoys. He just says ridiculous shit all the time, for no reason other than to appear....I have no idea. Intelligent? East Coast? Superior? Affluent? He claims to be "liberal" or something, but he doesn't really care about anybody else. I don't think he really wants to help people. I dunno, watch religulous. Initially, he just belittles people for having faith with the same tired attacks we've heard a million times. The Bible is false! If you take it literally, well it's ridiculous! Jesus isn't unique! So many Jesuses! whatever. Then he goes so far as to say that religion will bring about the end of the world. So not only does my faith, make me stupid it's also dangerous?

I have no problem with people having their own beliefs, I encourage it. Think what you want. Be yourself. We have problems when you think the only reasonable position is your own. No thanks. Bill Maher isn't funny. He's sort of like the liberal Bill O'Reilly. They're both televised barbarians.

So rant complete. meow.

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